
published by on IOTA Secretariat

New IOTA Paper is Out Now! Application of the General Anti-Avoidance Rule in Complex Tax Avoidance Schemes: Practical Examples

We are drawing the end of this week with one plus great news about a newly published IOTA Paper. This edition runs under the title ‘Application of the General Anti-Avoidance Rule in Complex Tax Avoidance Schemes: Practical Examples’, and is written by Martynas Endrijaitis, Deputy Head of the State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania.

published by on IOTA Secretariat

30th Forum of IOTA Principal Contact Persons

On 28-29 March 2023, IOTA had the pleasure of hosting the 30th Forum of Principal Contact Persons in Budapest, Hungary. The jubilee event brought together a great number of PCPs from the IOTA member tax administrations who joined the activity both personally and online.

published by on IOTA Secretariat

Digital Workshop on “Use of Data from Information Exchange under the OECD BEPS 12 Action Plan and EU DAC 6"

On March 21, 2023, IOTA successfully live-streamed another impressive online activity from the IOTA Studio in Budapest, Hungary. The digital workshop showcased a very up-to-date topic: "Using data from information exchange in the framework of the OECD BEPS 12 action plan and the EU DAC 6", and brought together an exciting mix of speakers, from our international partner organisation, the European Commission DG TAXUD, along with experts from IOTA member tax administrations.

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New IOTA Paper is Out Now

We are glad to inform you that our latest IOTA Paper in collaboration with the Hungarian National Tax and Customs is issued and is now just a click away. The new Paper explores the Pre-insolvency Procedures Implemented in Hungarian Law and is written by Katalin Kanizsai, LL.M., who works as an Expert at the Insolvency and Enforcement Department of the Hungarian National Tax and Customs Administration (NTCA).

published by on IOTA Secretariat

Improve Your Professional Skills with a New Virtual Training Offered by Vitara

VITARA is pleased to inform you about its new online courses for 2023. In this year’s VITARA e-learning portfolio, besides the newly launched Compliance Risk Management course, you can explore six more e-learning courses in the field of Human Resources Management, Reform Management, Strategic Management or Institutional Governance and you can also participate in virtual trainings in French and Spanish. The registration deadline for these e-learning courses is 4 March 2023.