5th Regional Meeting on BEPS for Eurasian Countries (joint IOTA-OECD event)
The regional meetings on BEPS are considered to be a key element of the Inclusive Framework (IF) on BEPS which brings together over 100 countries and jurisdictions to collaborate on the implementation of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Package.
The meeting will enable participating countries and jurisdictions to discuss the implementation of the BEPS package on a regional basis and feed their perspectives into the global dialogue.
- Provide participants with the latest developments on the IF and its Working Parties (WPs) including on transfer pricing, treaties-related matters, the Multilateral Instrument (MLI), the toolkits aimed at supporting lower-capacity developing countries (i.e. comparables toolkit), and other capacity building initiatives, as well as the IF's programme of work on the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy.
- Provide further guidance on the implementation of the BEPS minimum standards.
- Provide an opportunity for countries to input their views and perspectives into the work of the IF and its WPs, share information and explain positions.
- Provide an opportunity for bilateral meetings with the OECD Secretariat with an aim to assist participating countries in the process of implementing the four minimum standards.
The meeting will bring together officials from Finance Ministries and Tax Administrations in Eurasian countries, representatives from OECD and regional and international organisations providing an update on recent developments in the IF including its governance and membership, and on the implementation of the BEPS Package including its minimum standards, as well as the work on toolkits to address developing countries’ needs. The meeting will in particuar focus on the IF's most recent programme of work which aims to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy by providing consensus-based, long-term solutions by 2020. The event will offer an opportunity for countries to input their views and perspectives into the Working Party and Inclusive Famework discussions. Specific sessions of the meeting will also be opened to external stakeholders from business community, civil society and academia.