Tax Summit on Digital Economy
Tax Administrations and the Challenges of the Digital World
Covering around 80 countries around the world, the Tax Summit will provide a showcase of the latest trends and solutions advanced and developing tax administrations are exploring to keep the pace with the digital revolution. This event is the result of the partnership between CIAT – Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations and IOTA – Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations.
In focus will be the topics related to new technologies and their impact on the world of taxes:
- How to tax digital businesses | - Making Tax Administration Digital |
- Tax Transparency in the Digital Era | - Real-time controls for tax administration purposes |
- Digital taxation. Implications, concerns on the policy and administration sides | - New technologies to enhance tax compliance and collection |
- Vision of the future: challenges and opportunities of tax digitization | - Digital service delivery for public |
Join us in Lisbon! For further information, please visit the website: http://eventos.portaldasfinancas.gov.pt/#!/home