IOTA Secretariat
e-learning about IOTA
The IOTA Executive Secretary – Miguel Silva Pinto - was a panelist at a Webinar organized by CEPOL – The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training.
The Executive Secretary introduced the operation of IOTA, taking the opportunity to explain the history and evolution of the Organisation and how its mission is accomplished by addressing the needs and expectations of the membership.
He referred to the webinar participants how they can search the IOTA web site for useful information and emphasised the work of IOTA in the area of combatting VAT fraud.
The forthcoming General Assembly of IOTA, scheduled for the 2-4 July 2019 was announced along with the dedicated theme – The tax official of tomorrow. A final reference was made to this year IOTA Annual International Conference, planned for October in Georgia that will once again innovate by putting in place a tax compliance technology showroom.