Establishment of an electronic information system for labor contract registration in Azerbaijan
Electronic information system for the registration of labor contract notice has been established in Azerbaijan to prevent violation of rights of employees.
Notwithstanding the effective measures carried out by the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to prevent violations of the rights of employees, as well as strengthening the propaganda and awareness among employers, some employers grossly violate the requirements of existing legislation by involving citizens to work without conducting a labor contract and formalization of jobs.
To prevent violation of rights of employees electronic information system for the registration of labor contract notice has been established. Law number 875-IVQD of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Amendments to the Labour Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan" dated December 27, 2013 determines the legal basis for the establishment of an electronic information system. In accordance with the amendments to Article 12 of the Labour Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, insertion of the labour contract notice to the electronic information system is attributed to the duties of employers.
According to the amendments, all employers (with the exception of labour contracts concluded between employees accepted to relevant positions (occupations) in state bodies and employers as provided in Article 2-1 of 7 of the Labour Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan) regardless of organizational and legal form and the type of property must register labour contract notice related to signing, making amendments and terminating labour contract in the electronic information system.