IOTA Secretariat
IOTA joins the NTO Council for the second term
IOTA joins the NTO Council for the second term and continues acting as a strong and reliable partner strengthening the positioning of the NTO both within Europe as well as worldwide.
The heads and focal points of all nine NTO member organisations met virtually for 2nd NTO General Assembly on 18 August 2020 and agreed on the priority actions for 2020/2021 aiming to ensure information and knowledge sharing regarding tax & crime, Covid-19 impact on tax administration activities, digitalisation of tax administrations and ethics. Marcio Verdi, the Head of NTO Council (2019/2020), remarked the exceptionality of this General Assembly taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic and appreciated the commitment of the NTO members in strengthening the NTO as a Global Tax Dialogue Platform.
At the General Assembly, the NTO members notably:
- endorsed the Report on implementation of the Work Plan of 2019/2020 covering four strategic priorities of the NTO, namely capacity development, internal collaboration, promotion of the NTO as a global tax dialogue platform, and the strengthening of the NTO governance.
- amended the NTO Governance document, in particular concerning the duration of the term of the Head of the Council, principles of holding the NTO General Assembly and NTO Council meetings, the NTO’s working language.
- agreed on the new NTO Work Plan for 2020/2021 focusing on the organisation of the 1st NTO Technical Conference (to be held in October 2021 in Rome, Italy), conducting virtual events on the Covid-19 impact on tax administration activities, rolling out e-learning courses for NTO member tax administrations on tax & crime and ethics, completing the study on the funding sustainability of the NTO.
Along with four other members (ATAF, CIAT, CATA and PITAA), IOTA has been elected to the NTO Council for the term 2020/2021. IOTA was a member of the NTO Council in the previous term and played an important role in taking decisions and steering the work of the NTO as well as contributing to its activities (webinars, online workshops) for the benefit of the NTO members. IOTA will also join a sub-committee to prepare for the 1st NTO Technical Conference. The sub-committee will be led by Stefano Gesuelli, as a representative of both CIAT and the Guardia di Finanza and will consist of representatives from IOTA, ATAF and COTA.
Marcio Verdi, Executive Secretary of CIAT, has been unanimously appointed to serve a second term as the Head of the NTO Council. The newly elected NTO Council will meet virtually for the 8th Council Meeting on 24 November 2020.
In May 2018, nine regional and international organisations of revenue administrations1 and the International Tax Compact (ITC) created a Network of Tax Organisations (NTO) to provide a forum for cooperation and coordination between member organisations and strengthen tax administrations through peer learning and the sharing of experiences as well as through the provision of services, products and information.
1 African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), Association of Tax Authorities of Islamic Countries (ATAIC), Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA), Inter-American Centre of Tax Administrations (CIAT), Caribbean Organisation of Tax Administrators (COTA), Centre for Exchange and Studies of Tax Administration Leaders (CREDAF), Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA), Pacific Islands Tax Administrators Association (PITAA), West African Tax Administration Forum (WATAF)