IOTA Secretariat
Meeting of FIOD and IOTA Secretariat

On 6 September 2017, a meeting took place in the IOTA Secretariat between Mr Harry Kruter and Mrs Eugenie de Lange, from the Dutch FIOD (Fiscal Information and Investigation Service) and Miguel Silva Pinto, Mostafa Amini and Eugenijus Soldatkovas, from IOTA Secretariat.
Representatives from FIOD presented their organization’s mission, activities and current projects, especially focusing on the ENFIN Project (European Network Financial Investigations). This network, that still needs to be launched, will contribute significantly to the enhancement of international cooperation between European agencies on the investigation of financial criminality, namely tax crimes. IOTA’s representatives offered an explanation about IOTA’s work and activities, priorities for the 2018 work programme and the main features of the new IOTA Strategy.
The potential for future collaboration between the FIOD and IOTA in relation to the ENFIN project was discussed. Opportunities for partnership in this respect will be explored further.