STS Azerbaijan’s staff member was selected to Global Forum’s AEOI Assessment Panel

For the first time, a nominee from the State Tax Service of Azerbaijan, Safarali Javadov was selected as a member of the Global Forum’s Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Assessment Panel.
The Assessment Panel is expected to support the jurisdiction-specific AEOI review work by conducting a detailed analysis in relation to all jurisdictions and to prepare draft reports for the approval of the AEOI Peer Review Group. This includes a report issuing determinations in relation to legal frameworks each jurisdiction has in place for AEOI and a report issuing ratings with respect to the effectiveness in practice of their implementation.
Safarali Javadov is a PhD candidate in Economics and Management from Warsaw School of Economics in Poland and has more than 10 years of experience working in the tax authorities of Azerbaijan. He currently holds the position of the Head of Division for Tax Monitoring at Financial Institutions. Having been appointed to this position in 2016, Mr. Javadov has been closely involved in FATCA and CRS implementation process in Azerbaijan. Before his abovementioned appointment, he has worked nearly in all taxation spheres, including tax audit, taxpayer services and tax debt management.
Congratulations, Mr. Javadov!