IOTA Secretariat
Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT) Training
Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT) training took place on 25-27 May 2016 in Budapest. This IOTA training event was organised in collaboration with the TADAT Secretariat. The TADAT tool provides an independent, standardised, evidence-based, quality-assured, all-round assessment of the performance of a tax administration system.
21 participants from 16 IOTA member countries received training to either become “Trained TADAT assessors”, certified to conduct TADAT assessments in any country or “TADAT trained”, certified to participate in their country’s own benchmarking exercise, or be counterparts when their tax administration is undergoing TADAT assessment, or participate in regional peer-to-peer reviews. We are pleased to announce that all participants were successful in passing the end of training TADAT exam and received the appropriate certification.