IOTA Secretariat
The new IOTA Strategy is well on track
The team in charge of preparing the new strategy for IOTA met in Budapest on the 17th and 18th January.
The team leader is Mr. Octavian Deaconu, former President of IOTA and former Secretary-General of the Romanian Tax Administration and the members of the working team are Mrs Chiara Putzolu from Italy, Mr. Emil Vojta from the Czech Republic, Mr. Ronnie Nielsen from Denmark, Mr. Nikolay Getov, from Bulgaria, Mr. Orkhan Musayev, from the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Peter Starling and Mr. Jeffrey Davenport from the UK and Mr. Miguel Silva Pinto, IOTA’s Executive Secretary. During the meeting the work plan and milestones of the strategy were defined and exercises and debate took place. A survey is currently on-going aiming at capturing the needs and expectations of IOTA membership in relation to the organization. During the process the members are expected to be fully consulted and the Executive Council will provide guidance to the team. The new Strategy will establish the portfolio and deliveries of IOTA for the years to come.