Republic of Moldova
AIS “Assessment of Taxpayer’s Satisfaction Degree” Pilot in the Republic of Moldova
Published by: Adrienn Juhász
The State Tax Service is pleased to announce the launch in pilot mode, on 21st of June 2021, of the Automated Information System “Assessment of taxpayer’s satisfaction degree” - an information solution designed to determine the level of taxpayers’ satisfaction in relation to services provided by the national tax authority.
The basic objectives of the new information system are:
• determining the taxpayers’ opinions in order to offer the possibility to analyze and modify the procedures/methodologies;
• optimizing and/or adjusting the processes of the State Tax Service based on taxpayers’ feedback;
• determining the level of taxpayers’ satisfaction.
The piloting of the AIS “Assessment of taxpayer’s satisfaction degree” implies the placement of a satisfaction evaluation questionnaire on the website, as well as in the AIS “Taxpayer’s personal cabinet”.
Also, the taxpayers will be offered the option of completing the questionnaire at the time of their visit at the STS offices, with or without the help of the interviewers (tax officials), through the electronic devices located within the Taxpayers’ Service Departments. This method will be available in all Taxpayers’ Service Departments in Chisinau municipality, as well as in some regional ones.
The time limit for piloting the AIS “Assessment of taxpayer’s satisfaction degree” is 30 days.
The implementation of the AIS “Assessment of taxpayer’s satisfaction degree” has been carried out with the support of the World Bank, within the Tax Administration Modernization Project (TAMP).