IOTA Secretariat
Improve Your Professional Skills with a New Virtual Training Offered by Vitara

VITARA is pleased to inform you about its new online courses for 2023. In this year’s VITARA e-learning portfolio, besides the newly launched Compliance Risk Management course, you can explore six more e-learning courses in the field of Human Resources Management, Reform Management, Strategic Management or Institutional Governance, and you can also participate in virtual trainings in French and Spanish. The registration deadline for these e-learning courses is 4 March 2023.
Discover more about the current VITARA modules (short description, access period, registration due date and registration links) at this link and enrol in one of the courses to improve your skills and build your knowledge with the help of VITARA.
VITARA stands for Virtual Training to Advance Revenue Administration, and is a joint initiative of four organisations, Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It was launched in 2020 to develop a highly effective, globally accessible, on-demand and free online curriculum on revenue administrative issues. The VITARA modules are introductory level modules and designed for busy professionals who wish to improve their skills in tax administration. Find out more on VITARA Courses by visiting the dedicated VITARA page on the IOTA website.