IOTA workshop debates new approaches and relationship with business to reduce administrative burdens
IOTA, in close cooperation with the Latvian State Revenue Service, organised a workshop on Tax Administration's Experiences in Reducing Administrative Burden.
The event held in Riga from 19th to 21st of November 2014 has proved to be an effective forum to discuss existing strategies and approaches taken in IOTA member countries which have substantially and tangibly reduced administrative costs and burdens, and top examine new opportunities for reducing taxpayer compliance costs. Tax officials from 22 IOTA member countries have reached consensus that tax administrations must continue contributing to "better regulation" and "whole government" administrative burden reduction initiatives by making tax compliance easier, quicker and simpler for businesses and citizens.
Some of the presented measures delivering the compliance cost savings included new and enhanced digital services (e.g. ‘one-stop-shop' for taxpayer registration, pre-filled tax returns, online tax account and tax payment facilities, electronic notifications, etc.). Other initiatives focused on full engagement with individuals, tax practitioners, businesses and other organisations, thus allowing tax authorities to explore, develop and test new ideas to improve the tax administration system.
Participants also confirmed the need for further application of methodology for measuring administrative burdens (Standard Cost Model, EU Standard Cost Model, etc.) as well as methods for evaluating results of the administrative burden reductions already made (statistical reports, customer surveys, etc.).
Full details of the presentations, topics discussed and the comments from the group sessions are available on our website for registered users.