Spain keeps the first place in the EU Government open data ranking
The report “Open Data Maturity in Europe 2016, Insights into the European state of play” published in the European Data Portal places Spain for a second year in a row as the main trend setter, being in the first position in the overall ranking as well as in the open data readiness ranking.
In addition, in the OECD publication Government at a Glance 2017 Spain occupies the 6th position in “open, useful and reusable governmental data”.
Open data Gorvernment makes government data available to all. The Spanish Government is doing a great effort to publish a lot of information that may be useful for start-ups and business in general in order to held them create services with added value for the citizenship. A specific web portal has been created for this purpose, which centralizes Spanish Government´s open data. The number of open data has rapidly scaled from 7,000 in 2015 to 16,000 in 2017 and will continue in the next years.
More than 500 companies reuse and benefit from this information, generating an economic volume of around 700 million euro. These figures show how important is to support public policies that steadily promote open data and their reuse.
The Spanish Tax Agency is a leading governmental body in providing open data for its reuse. Apart from making the information available through the Government web portal, the Spanish Tax Agency´s website also dedicates a space to open data, as a signal of its commitment with transparency and accountability.